Fat Faeries Don't Fly: Losing Weight One Video Game at a Time - Week 0

Those that have seen the Tinkerbell movies would argue that Fairy Mary and Fair Gary get up off the ground quite well.  I'm not talking about them, I'm talking about myself here.  Yes some of you have heard me say on Twitter that Buxom is Beautiful and Curves are Sexy.  However, I would like to have some of my flexibility back and fewer body aches would also be a plus.  I'll be honest with you I haven't done any really work out training since about 2006 when my back started hurting one day after Air Force Physical Training, also known as PT.  Shortly after I was diagnosed with a bulging spine in my upper back which resulted in my PT time becoming less and less and what I could do harder and harder.  I couldn't lift more than 15lbs or carry 15lbs for longer than 10 min.  I wasn't allowed to do any high or low impact exercises of any kind.  It hurt to do Yoga and that's saying something about the level of constant pain I was in.  Since getting out of the Air Force in 2008 and eliminating much of the old stresses of my life I believe that has helped to heal many of my back problems.  I still get occasional flair ups when I over do something so I'm not cured but I am much better and no in constant pain.  It's the start of a New Year now and I want to lose some weight.  It's time and I've decided I'm going to do it by video gaming. 

But how you say?  Well I noticed a few weeks back that Dance Central had an exercise option and I thought why not.  I all ready enjoy the game a great deal so why not exercise and maybe increase my gamer score in the process.  My troubles with exercise of the past, my back problems aside, has always been I hated it.  I hated running, I hated biking, I hated lifting weights, I hated the fat mirrors in the aerobics room, I hated doing endless sit-ups and push-ups, the only thing I liked was walking (at my pace) and aerobics.  When the dancing aerobics craze started to gather momentum in gyms that was when my back problems started.  I was out of the game before I could even try this out.  Well I may still be somewhat down but I'm not out any more.  I'm going to put on my fat girl sweat pants and shake my money maker till the weight falls off!  Yes I just said money maker.  While I venture on this quest I thought I would share with you on a weekly basis my progress as well as reviews of the games while I exercise.  I plan to pick up Shape and Zumba at some point as well.  If I want to get results I will need to vary my programs and routines.  I also plan to start walking outside more.  I stopped doing it after my dog passed away and never got back into it.  So there you have it.  It's a simple dream, with simple goals, that I am going to strive to keep fun.

How about you?  Are you starting a work out or dieting program?  Share with us in the comments below.  Or maybe throw some encouragement every one's way as they quest!


Sarah said…
I love love love workout video games. Wii Fit is an obvious one, fun but low impact (some of the games make me sweat). Also for Wii is My Fitness Coach, which is basically a customizable aerobics DVD. That one kicks my butt. I love Dance Dance Revolution, but I can't do it for too long, my asthma gets the best of me. You're a lot like me, I hate running and biking (I do them anyways, but I'm miserable). I want to be proud of my curves, but be fit under them.

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